Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My Endles Love...to eternity
.... pinjaman Abang oleh ALLAH kepada Kak Jan & Abang Man serta seisi keluarga adalah pinjaman yang tidak ternilai. kehangatan kehadirannya di sisi seolah dia bersama sebentar tadi tapi kerinduan kepadanya seolah-olah sudah terlalu lama dia pergi.......
Abang Ce Mie loves you too! very2 much! Ce Mie masih dapat rasakan tajam rambut Abang semasa Ce Mie main rambut Abang...3 hari sebelum Abang tinggalkan kami......
Al- Fatihah buat mu sayang!
From the moment I knew u were there
The vibration...the movement
The excitement
From the first cry..to that first look into your eyes
The depth of love deeper than deep
Your smiles....brought happiness to all around you
As I embraced you...your life circled around mine
My life...has been surrounded by yours since then
Still feel like it was yesterday
Or...was it a thousand years ago?
Where I am...I could still smell you
My ears hear your echoing laughters
Your lips feel soft as you kissed my cheeks
Yours arms strong as you held me close
Lights showered all over you as you stood by the doorway
Whenever I walk up the stairs
I'd touch those places you put your hands on
As if I could still feel you
Behind that closed door of your room
I imagine you lying there on your bed
And hear your warm "hi" and "hello"
Ringing throughout our home
Do you ever know
That I am missing you...so much
Do I have to declare again and again
Of how I deeply love you right to my very soul
The pain that never leave
The tears swallowed each time a prayer is cited for you
The sweet and heartbreaking memories
Coming and going endlessly
Like waves in the ocean
Crashing mercilessly onto the beach
I don't mind going through it over and over
In me you shall live forever
Whenever it might be..however it could be
Right to the very end
Endless love.....to eternity..
Friday, February 4, 2011
Mimie masih ingat 30 tahun yang lalu pada subuh tarikh 4 Febuari 1981, lahirlah seorang insan yang menjadi kesayangan insan2 disekelilingnya. anak sulung kepada Kak Jan & Abang Man.... my beloved nephew... Khairil Azrul... comel, montel, putih selepuk kata orang dulu2.
Kak Jan bersalin di rumah Arwah Tok di Pekan.. berat rasa hati nak gi sekolah pagi tu sebab seronok sangat dapat anak sdara.... anak sdara ke3 selepas Yanti dan Razif (anak Kak Yan - eldest sister).
Khairil Azrul atau lebih selesa kami panggil 'Abang'.... comel giler masa kanak2 dan terus membesar as a very handsome boy!
Abang membesar dengan 1001 kenangan....
but now he is no longer with us... none of us.... ALLAH menjemput Abang mendahului kita semua....
secara realiti, di hati kami dia sentiasa bersama!
Ce Mie tak akan lupakan Abang.... terlalu banyak kenangan Ce Mie bersama Abang. Abang pun pernah kata Ce Mie ni kakak Abang.... mana taknya, Mama & Bah jaga Ce Mie since arwah Wan meninggal iaitu masa Abang umur 2 bulan......
Ce Mie sangat rindukan Abang...... semua keluarga kita sayang!
InsyaALLAH Abang bahagia di sana. Moga pusara Abang adalah salah satu dari taman syurga.... love you always!!!